Give your electronic devices a new life

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How it works
Our goals

What is the E-waste Race?

Teaching children to recycle

his makes climate and environmental education fun: in the E-Waste Race, schools collect electronic waste from the neighbourhood. And that's where you come in. Old mobile phones, DVD players, toasters, alarm clocks, useless cables - what else do you have lying around?

Simply register what you have to hand in and the children will collect it. In doing so, they actively engage with recycling and its impact on people and the environment - accompanied by appropriate lessons. In this way, ecological awareness and sustainable behaviour are promoted.

The most diligent collector wins a great school trip! You can help with this: Have a look at what you have lying around and enter what you can collect now!


Why e-waste recycling is important

In the Netherlands, we produce around 370 million kilos of electronic waste every year. That's 21 kg per inhabitant. Unfortunately, much of it remains at home in drawers or in the attic. Or worse, is thrown away with the residual waste. A shame, because this prevents valuable raw materials from being reused. This is happening at a time when raw material scarcity is increasing worldwide and more and more nature is being degraded for material extraction. Improving waste collection and increasing knowledge about the issue is a first step towards a circular economy. An economy in which we use our old appliances to make new ones. Together with our partners and participating schools, we are making an important contribution to the environment. During the 4-week collection campaign, schools collect an average of 16,000 kg of electronic waste, which is then properly processed.


Sustainable impact

Thanks to cooperation with the municipality and local waste processors, electronic waste is recycled in a professional manner. In the Netherlands, over 3 million devices have already been collected in ten years, equivalent to a saving of 3.4 million kilograms of CO2!

A study by Eindhoven University of Technology has shown: the E-Waste Race contributes to a lasting behavioural change that continues even after the project. The study also shows that children are the biggest influencing factor on parents' sustainable behaviour. The researchers call this the ‘Greta effect’.

The project was developed and is being implemented with the Sustainable Development Goals developed in 2010 in mind. Three of the 17 goals have our main focus; (4) Quality Education, (12) Responsible Consumption & Production and (13) Climate Action.

Project partners